What is Xata?
beta feature

Almost complete feature but still under development. There may be changes as we address issues and feedback. Use with caution.

Prisma with Xata

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Prisma ORM is a TypeScript ORM that is focused on type safety and developer experience.



Prisma currently only works with Xata databases that are set up with the ability to make direct Postgres connections. Follow the instructions below to learn how to configure Prisma to work with Xata in this method.

Enable Postgres connections in Xata


Xata now allows direct connections to Postgres. To enable it follow these steps:


Enable Postgres in your workspace settings


Create a brand new database with Postgres enabled


Use the @next version of our APIs within your project

npm install -g @xata.io/cli@next
npm install @xata.io/client@next

Check the Postgres documentation for details and troubleshooting.

You can use the following package managers:

npm install prisma

To use Xata with Prisma define a postgresql datasource in the schema.prisma file. Here is an example:

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

You can manually define the schema or use the introspection feature to generate the schema from the database.

To introspect the database, you can use the following command:

prisma db pull

To generate the client, you can use the following command:

prisma generate

After generating the client, you can use it in your code. Here is an example of using the client:

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';

const prisma = new PrismaClient({});

const result = await prisma.users.findMany({
  where: {
    name: 'Alice'
  • Xata File attachments columns are read-only and only shows file metadata. You will need to use the SDK to upload and download files.
  • Prisma migrate is not yet fully supported. You need to use the Xata CLI to manage the database migrations.

On this page

InstallationInstall PrismaUsageLimitations