
Get user details


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Summarize Table Data


This endpoint summarizes from your database. It comes with a range of functions to help perform calculations on the data you have stored in your tables

Expected parameters


The DBBranchName matches the pattern `{db_name}:{branch_name}`.


The Table name


Summarize Table


This endpoint allows you to (optionally) define groups, and then to run calculations on the values in each group. This is most helpful when you'd like to understand the data you have in your database. A group is a combination of unique values. If you create a group for `sold_by`, `product_name`, we will return one row for every combination of `sold_by` and `product_name` you have in your database. When you want to calculate statistics, you define these groups and ask Xata to calculate data on each group. **Some questions you can ask of your data:** How many records do I have in this table? - Set `columns: []` as we we want data from the entire table, so we ask for no groups. - Set `summaries: {"total": {"count": "*"}}` in order to see the count of all records. We use `count: *` here we'd like to know the total amount of rows; ignoring whether they are `null` or not. What are the top total sales for each product in July 2022 and sold more than 10 units? - Set `filter: {soldAt: { "$ge": "2022-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "$lt": "2022-08-01T00:00:00.000Z"} }` in order to limit the result set to sales recorded in July 2022. - Set `columns: [product_name]` as we'd like to run calculations on each unique product name in our table. Setting `columns` like this will produce one row per unique product name. - Set `summaries: {"total_sales": {"count": "product_name"}}` as we'd like to create a field called "total_sales" for each group. This field will count all rows in each group with non-null product names. - Set `sort: [{"total_sales": "desc"}]` in order to bring the rows with the highest total_sales field to the top. - Set `summariesFilter: {"total_sales": {"$ge": 10}}` to only send back data with greater than or equal to 10 units. `columns`: tells Xata how to create each group. If you add `product_id` we will create a new group for every unique `product_id`. `summaries`: tells Xata which calculations to run on each group. Xata currently supports count, min, max, sum, average. `sort`: tells Xata in which order you'd like to see results. You may sort by fields specified in `columns` as well as the summary names defined in `summaries`. note: Sorting on summarized values can be slower on very large tables; this will impact your rate limit significantly more than other queries. Try use `filter` to reduce the amount of data being processed in order to reduce impact on your limits. `summariesFilter`: tells Xata how to filter the results of a summary. It has the same syntax as `filter`, however, by using `summariesFilter` you may also filter on the results of a query. note: This is a much slower to use than `filter`. We recommend using `filter` wherever possible and `summariesFilter` when it's not possible to use `filter`. `page.size`: tells Xata how many records to return. If unspecified, Xata will return the default size.

Request Body Type Definition
