Offer Xata to your customers

Reduce your PostgreSQL database costs and enhance performance for your customer base with Xata.

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Why partner with Xata?

Cost effective

Logical separation of databases to share resources on the same infrastructure allows for a more cost effective managed PostgreSQL database platform for you and your customers.


Customize deployment options to suit different use cases. Enjoy the benefits of our shared clusters for platform use cases or introduce dedicated infrastructure for larger customers.

Postgres, powered up

Native postgres enhanced for zero downtime schema migrations, file attachments, full-text search, embeddings and more.

High availability

Don’t worry about scaling to zero, or cold starts if your customers aren’t active. Your PostgreSQL instances will always be available without incurring high costs.

Partner with Xata

Would you like to offer Xata within your platform? We’re always looking for new partners to collaborate with. Get in touch today to explore partnership opportunities.

Become a partner

Technology partners

Xata provides an integrated experience with key technology partners for building your applications on Postgres or any serverless database of your choice.

Partner with Xata

Would you like to offer Xata within your platform? We’re always looking for new partners to collaborate with. Get in touch today to explore partnership opportunities.


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