Switching gears from law to launch

How I ditched the traditional world of law for the fast paced tech start up scene

Written by

Lea Artemov

Published on

August 13, 2024

This story from our Operations Manager Lea kicks off a series of blogposts highlighting our team members and their stories about career transitions, expanding the family, working abroad or the day to day balancing of life and work.

Set the scene to October 2017: A past version of myself - a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and barely 18 year old young woman - standing in front of her own apartment in a brand new city over ten times the size of her hometown. I was eager to dive head first into what I came here to do: Study law. It seemed to me like the perfect path and what I was always meant to do: challenging, intellectually stimulating, and full of prestige.

First steps towards a law degree
First steps towards a law degree

Let's fast forward to 2020, a year that started a seemingly never ending string of unprecedented historical events and prompted us all to reflect our life choices up to that point. I, like many others, also had an eye opening epiphany in those times. While I genuinely enjoyed studying law, I couldn't picture myself as a lawyer in the long run anymore. The thought of a traditional legal career no longer excited me.

During my legal internships, I gained valuable experience, but I often found the work monotonous. I started craving something different, something more dynamic and fast-paced. It was around this time that I stumbled upon the tech startup world. The energy and innovation of startups fascinated me, and I immediately fell in love with the industry. I knew that I wanted to be a part of that world, whatever it may take.

So when an opportunity popped up to join Xata as an Executive Assistant, I knew this was my golden ticket. The team was under 15 people, and the role promised a steep learning curve and the chance to wear many hats.

The first swag I made for Xata
The first swag I made for Xata

Even though I still had more than a year of law studies left, I was determined not to waste this opportunity. I took on an almost full-time position while juggling my coursework. It wasn't easy, but I thrived on the challenge. My background in law had made me a driven problem solver, and I was eager to prove myself in a new environment. Six months into the job, I was promoted to Operations Manager and switched to working full time - I hadn't even started my final thesis yet, but I felt that I was already making strides in a new career path.

The Xata Ops team
The Xata Ops team

The support from Monica, our CEO and my team lead Yannis was crucial during this transition. They understood the importance of my academic commitments and were incredibly accommodating, allowing me to take time off for exams and to write my thesis. Their support went beyond just being understanding—they were genuinely invested in my success. Their encouragement made all the difference, and I felt more confident in my abilities because of it.

I still remember the morning I handed in my final thesis, determined to finally return to work after a longer break. I showed up to my weekly stand up despite having been awake for roughly 36 hours at that point, frantically making fingit al adjustments and correcting citations. I joined the call, we chatted for around 15 minutes, then my lead looked me in the eyes and said, “And now, please head to bed! You have given it your all and we don't expect you to work until you're rested and ready.”

The day I found out I had successfully graduated, my team was among the first I shared the happy news with. It felt like such a milestone, and they had been there every step of the way, providing guidance and cheering me on. This kind of support was invaluable and made my achievements feel even more meaningful.

In my role as Operations Manager, I continued to take on a variety of responsibilities, from planning and coordinating events to managing culture and onboarding processes. Twice a year, we bring the whole team together from all over the world in one location to strengthen our team bonds and make memories together. Organizing an offsite can take 6 months or even up to a year and I like to refer to them jokingly as my personal launch weeks.

Baking for an international team
Baking for an international team

Today I can say that I have found everything that the 18 year old younger version of me was looking for when she moved to Berlin and pursued a law degree — the pace, the innovation, the constant learning. The work is challenging but gratifying and keeps me on my toes. It is a far cry from the structured world of law, but it is exactly what I was looking for.

Reflecting on my journey, I'm grateful for all the support and opportunities I've had. Transitioning from law to the tech startup world wasn't just a career change—it was a transformation of my entire outlook on life. I've grown both personally and professionally, and I've learned that it's okay to change paths and pursue what truly excites you. The path wasn't without its challenges, but with the right support and my own determination, I was able to thrive in a new and unexpected field.

Literally taking my career to new heights
Literally taking my career to new heights

Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. The lessons I've learned and the people I've met along the way have been invaluable, and I look forward to what's next on this journey.

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